
Rivington Terraced Gardens Big Thank You

One of Greater Manchester's most unusual beauty spots is calling out for help following a turbulent year.

Nestled in the shadow of Winter Hill to the north of Bolton, Rivington Terraced Gardens has undergone a major transformation in the last few years thanks to the hard work of local volunteers.

However, like so many charities, funding streams have been hit hard during the course of the Covid-19 crisis, leaving big gaps in the annual maintenance costs of over £100,000 per year.

The gardens were created by Lord Leverhulme, the wealthy founder of Lever Brothers (now Unilever).

Taking inspiration from trips across the world, he built his own Japanese garden and Italian lake, connected by long grassy lawns and striking stone structures.

When he died in 1925 the gardens fell into disrepair and were largely left to the mercy of nature.

It was not until 60 years later that the Rivington Heritage Trust - a charitably run group - stepped up to clear up the area and take on the task of returning the gardens to their old glory.

How the Japanese gardens looked when Lord Leverhulme was alive.

It has become so popular that authorities had to appeal to members of the public to stay away from the area this weekend over fears it could add to the spread of the virus.

Now the group is turning to the public to help fund its efforts and keep this unusual historic site alive, with the help of some famous faces.

The trust is trying to return the site to its former glory.

Bolton-born celebrities including comedian Dave Spikey and radio broadcaster Mark Radcliffe are among the names who have pledged their support to the Squarea initiative.

The project is raising funds to maintain the garden by allowing members of the public to sponsor a 10sqm patch of land anywhere on the massive 200,000sqm site.

Mark Radcliffe with Richard Galloway, a director at Rivington Terraced Gardens, collecting the certificate marking his sponsorship of a 10sqm patch of the site

Giving his support to the project, Dave Spikey said: "Rivington was always like an adventure playground when we were children - and there aren't many places like that around here.

"Growing up in a two-up two-down near the mills in Bolton, it was great that you could just hop on a bus and be in the countryside in 20 minutes. Both of my children went to Rivington School and we would often spend weekends walking and cycling around the area.

"When I used to drive home from gigs, you always knew you were home when you saw Winter Hill. I've mentioned it in my acts, pointing out that since we never win medals in the Winter Olympics, we should host them at Rivington Pike and confuse the Austrians by getting them to slide down on a bin bag or take part in the 'old men clearing a path relay'.

"It's brilliant to be involved in this campaign and getting my certificate is almost as good as winning a BAFTA."

Mark Radcliffe added: "Rivington is a very special place to me. I lived in Heaton, at the bottom of old Kiln Lane, so in the summer holidays I would cycle up there and just go out there all day.

"I am a big fan of Rupert the Bear and it was like being in a Rupert the Bear annual. You were just running free in the countryside and suddenly you would just come upon the Japanese Lake and next time you went you could never find it again.

"There were these mysterious things like the Pigeon Tower. As a child it was a wonderland, so it is a very important part of my childhood.

"I think the appeal is fantastic. I guess I didn't really realise how close it was all in danger of being lost. Now I see that and I see the work they have put in and know it will be there for future generations of children to explore. I think that it is fantastic and magical and if I can help a little bit in any way, then I am absolutely delighted to do it."

To get involved in the Squarea campaign, visit:

Rivington Terraced Gardens Big Thank You


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