
baldwin hills village gardens homes association



LA's Hidden Gem in the Hills

Welcome Neighbors

Please sign up below the first time you visit indicating you are a resident and you'll have access to EXCLUSIVE pages and content. Non-residents are welcome to sign up as well with limited access to some areas of the website and email updates. Upon returning to the site, simply sign in with your email address. Thank you and welcome to the neighborhood!


Upcoming Events (Virtual)

November 6, 2021 at 10:00am

ECWA Neighborhood Council General Meeting

November 20 , 2021 at 9:00am

BHE HOA General Meeting

December 1 , 2021 at 6:00pm

BHE HOA Board Meeting

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In a 2011 politically-motivated attack on CD8 via the last redistricting process, almost ALL of its main economic engines were removed. It's constituents have faced continuing serious socio-economic challenges since. CD8 is the only remaining majority black voter district in the city. It was raided, has some of the lowest employment figures in the city, and is absolutely last in tax base amongst districts.

Now, via the current redistricting, is the opportunity to reverse the wrong of the last process, providing greater opportunity, services, and equity for the CD8 community. In order to redistrict equitably, the process must provide CD8 with a reasonable allocation of the city's economic engines. Those which were a part of the district for decades. The most practical and fair solution, is to return USC and Exposition Park, which were taken, to CD8.

While these two assets were taken by CD9, it also has key assets such as the Convention Center, Staples Center, L.A. Live, and the Ritz-Carlton complex. CD8's singular asset of any significance is the decayed Crenshaw Mall. The imbalance is clear, and even moreso when comparing other districts. Should CD9 need to receive an accompanying boost, it can receive return of some downtown assets taken from it, adjacent to its existing grouping. The downtown district (14) is extremely asset heavy having been loaded via political favoritism toward a now indicted Councilmember.

At the VERY LEAST, a compromise must be made regarding USC and Expo Park. The independent redistricting commission first voted to return both assets to CD8. This accommodated the request of the Neighborhood Council which contains these assets, to be consolidated together in CD8. After a political play, that decision was reversed in favor of an alleged compromise. Were there actually to be a compromise, the fair one would return the larger asset USC to CD8, leaving Expo in CD9. Yet in the Redistricting Commission's final report, they moved Expo Park to CD8 and left USC for CD9.

Shockingly, when beginning to finalize the process, the City Council Ad Hoc Redistricting Committee, which unfairly includes the Councilmembers from CD9 & CD14, took action to eliminate even the mediocre compromise in the Redistricting Commission map. Retracting Expo Park back to CD9, again proposing to leave CD8 with only the Crenshaw Mall. This is clearly contrary to the results of a yearlong Commission process, and politically motivated. It is a repeat of the systemic disadvantage repeatedly applied to this community. Actions such as this are a large part of why the community is as challenged as it is now.

To leave the only black-majority district without assets, via a Council action that retracts the one small concession of returning Expo Park, is a clear indication that equity is NOT a primary concern in the process. The action has civil rights implications and must be corrected. Assets must be returned to CD8 to provide the community with reasonable opportunity and fair districting.

John Gonzales

Baldwin Hills Estates


Special Announcement from the
Board of Directors


Dear Baldwin Hills Residents,

Your BHE Board of Directors in coordination with the City of Los Angeles (CD8) are planning contingencies to address issues that may arise in our community due to the effects of COVID-19.

We're sure that you are receiving information and advice circulated by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) and the State Department of Health and we strongly urge you to heed their suggestions and look for their updates as there are daily changes.

Steps we are taking:

  • Meetings: The CDC has recommended against gatherings of 50 or more. We will provide financial statements that can be viewed online at our website only.

  • We are communicating with our seniors and addressing community needs.

  • Updating our website with current relevant information to keep you informed on the state of Baldwin Hills.  Please register so that we may email you with urgent city news updates.

Steps you can take:

  • Social distancing:  Maintain roughly a 6-foot distance between other people and limit non-essential travel, avoid public transportation, work from home and skip social gatherings.

  • Cleaning/Prevention:  Handwashing several times daily (20 seconds) and hand sanitizers in-between.  Use safe disinfectants to clean high-touch surfaces such as counters, tables, doorknobs, bath fixtures, phones, keyboards and remotes. Avoid sharing utensils, plates, glasses and towels.


Seniors and those with other chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions, chronic lung disease are at highest risk for getting COVID-19.  If you exhibit symptoms, contact your medical doctor immediately.

Our Board of Directors are communicating with our Seniors through our block captains so that we can assist with addressing any URGENT needs.  We will continue to provide updates at


Baldwin Hills Estates Board of Directors

Helpful Information


LAPD Sr Lead Officer

(323) 387-9672

City of Los Angeles

Your  comprehensive guide to fire stations, police stations, utility and city services, federal, state and local elected officials, public schools, libraries, and community resources in the 8th District.


ADT Patrol & Tips

(310) 829-7981

Filming in BHE

Interested in renting your home to production companies for filming?

County of Los Angeles

Referral services for the County's numerous social services can be found at LA County 211, a free service provided to all County residents. There are options to speak with a professional community resource advisor.


The Baldwin Hills Estates HOA is a voluntary neighborhood organization and appreciates all donations to continue its services. Please note, however, that donations are not tax deductible.



Contributions by check may be mailed to:

Baldwin Hills Estates HOA
P.O. Box 561403
Los Angeles, CA 90056

baldwin hills village gardens homes association


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